Friday, February 8, 2013

Follow Up weeks of 1-28 and 2-4

This is a follow up on the Seaperch activity as well as any engineering related activities I have been working on. For the Seaperch activity, my team completed out modifications for improvement on our sub a well as create a floatation device for our "challenges."

In physics, I was challenged to did a way to drop an egg from the second story without cracking the egg. We were given a limited amount of supplies to make a device to help with the challenge. Here is a picture of my sketch followed by an actual picture of the blimp-esque device.

(My submarine: The Magikarp)

(These are my bowies)

      (The egg is placed inside the cup while the aluminum foil provides both air resistance as a blimp AND a cushion to keep the egg from falling off the cup)

(Here is the original design of the egg carrier, which is not too different from the final product)